ACARS This is a neat way used to bypass the intentional or unintentional human error on reporting flight information during or after flight . Before 1978 AD, this information was given via, voice logs, where captain verbally records the phase of flight and time. This brought human error in the data reporting and was extra work to the pilots. What ACARS does is acts as a reporting machine which reports flight information in different phases of flight to the Ground team. Initially ARINC developed this method for just 4 messages per flight, but now it has turned into a robust means of data link between not just aircraft and ground station but also between aircraft. ACARS (Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System) is a data communications system used for air-ground communication between an aircraft and their own operations centers, air traffic control, and national aviation authorities. ACARS can be used anywhere in the world by connecting to a global ne...
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