|Introduction: Flying an aircraft is something that only a pilot is allowed to do. A person completes an expensive course and learns flying for several months and complete many hours as a co-pilot and certification trainings and then finally is allowed to fly as a Pilot. Not everyone does this, and definitely no one does this as a hobby. Or do they? Basic plot: There is this stream of aircraft called glider planes (segelflugzeug in German). Before getting into this topic let’s talk about hobby’s in Germany. Everywhere you go you will find clubs (Verein in German), verein for sports, verein for parades, verein for even indoor games. Germans are crazy about Verein, and that is for a good reason. This helps people interact with new people and learn more stuff from one another. I was also in a Verein in Braunschweig, the city where I live. This was an aircraft club, where we built and repaired Glider planes in winter and fly them in Summer. Operati...